Managed Wi-Fi for Retail, Hospitality and Small Business.

Providing fast, reliable, secure and affordable public Internet Solutions.

While most traditional public wireless Internet providers use expensive and  complicated servers, data centres and high-cost IT workers, Imperial HotSpots takes a different approach, reliable, secure and affordable cloud-managed Wi-Fi. Our cloud managed services mean better management, less downtime, fewer resets and far  lower cost. It also means you can observe what’s happening on your guest wireless network in real time from anywhere using our web portal or smartphone apps for iOS and Android. 

In today’s age of smartphones, tablets and mobile apps, users expect Wi-Fi wherever they go. What was once considered a special service to customers has become such a commodity that businesses risk turning customers away if they don’t offer Wi-Fi. Besides, Wi-Fi has opened new opportunities for businesses to better engage their customers and to improve service efficiency, in turn resulting in increased revenue.

However, for many venues PCI DSS compliance and security are also a top  Wi-Fi access, while securing their network from Wi-Fi threats and staying PCI  compliant.
  Retail   Hospitality   Small Business
We’ve created solutions specifically for the retail market to provide quality, reliable and scalable networks. We engineer our networks to fast, fluid and easy to use when customers are connecting in your establishment. Whether you own a retail store, hair salon, or automotive dealership we have a solution for your business. We are experts at creating cost-effective and reliable Wi-Fi systems for the hospitality market. Our networks conform to most hospitality franchise regulations and are customized to meet your brand’s look and feel. In the hospitality business loyal customers are the cornerstone of your business. We have solutions for small businesses that are looking for Wi-Fi coverage over a large area. We can cover your entire office, warehouse, outdoor area, etc. using our customized Wi-Fi technology.

Features of an Imperial HotSpot Powered Network.

Cost Effective

Your network should work without having to break the bank. We work hard to provide reasonable pricing to all of our customers and will make every effort to work within your budget to design the service you desire.
End Network Abuse

Our service sets upload and download speed limits for each user so there is equal bandwidth available to everyone on the network. This feature, coupled with our world-class bandwidth shaping technology, ensures that there is enough speed for everyone. Moreover, our network technicians constantly monitor bandwidth consumption and bandwidth availability.
History Reports

How is the network being utilized? How many of your guests are using the connection? These are questions we receive from time-to-time on all of our networks. At any time a Imperial engineer can put together a traffic and usage report for your hotspot. This report will detail all usage in the hotspot and can be requested in weekly and monthly increments.
Customer Support

We understand that your staff is not technical support, nor should they try to fill that role. Our IT staff is available from 9AM-5PM Monday thru Friday to field any technical questions. This frees your office from the burden of troubleshooting guest computers. We also have an after-hours support line available to all our clients in order to report after-hours emergencies or outages.
Proven Reliability

Our cloud based servers live in world-class secure and reliable data centers. Our onsite hardware also has the ability to have built-in fail-over, so when an Internet circuit goes offline there is a backup Internet circuit ready to take over. This type of redundancy gives our network a healthy 99.9% uptime. In the event a hardware device were to fail and needs to be replaced or serviced our cloud based servers inform us immediately.
Safe and Secure

Imperial HotSpots is perfect for environments where security is paramount: no user traffic is sent to our cloud servers and a built-in firewall prevents users on the public network from seeing each other or the equipment in your establishment. We also offer filtering services to block offensive content from being access from your network. 
Access Control

With the built-in Imperial HotSpots captive portal, we can setup user authentication, set pay-for-use options (such as secure credit card payments through PayPal), or connect to a third-party advertising platform. We understand that every network we service is unique and must be designed in a way to compliment the requirements of your business model.
Your Network

You control the user experience from the moment a guest or customer connects to your network. We can design a page from scratch to coordinate with the look and feel your business or website. You can also redirect users to a page of your choosing once they click to enter. This is a great way to let your guests or customers know that you are providing them with a valuable service.